
Clear Creek

This past Sunday I ventured down to Clear Creek Canyon with the boys for a session in the never ending mist and fog. It was coooold. The Dark Waters cave was dry and completely climbable. Herman fell in the river up to his knees and somehow managed to fit his feet into my down booties to warm back up. Kona became hypothermic after a few hours of sloshing in and out of the river after sticks. She came over to me shivering and I wrapped her up in Herm's down jacket where she shook for an hour and finally fell asleep. Brian fell off of the very last move of the Dark Waters Traverse quite a few times, and Herm made progress on Dark Waters. I attemped the Swamp Traverse but it was bit too cold for my motivation level. Overall it was nice to get outside instead of being cooped up in the gym.


Lynn said...

Nice pics, Kelly! Cute lil Kona profile!

sock hands said...

really like the shots. your craft is honed, hun. word.