
so psyched

Layla and I on the Sunshine SlabsJackie , Joel, ChadHerm on ButtermilkerBrian on ButtermilkerAfter one week in Bishop I am down some serious skin but up some rad boulder problems. Brian did America's Fit Homeless first try today, and yesterday Beefcake. I spent a bit on Get Carter and sent it after struggling with the top out. Everyone ran a lap on Ruckus but me, because I am stupid and could not to the "hop" move at the top. I will get it though. Our little Layla from Germany showed up two days ago and we are living with her now in our nice little Townhouse Motel room 14. We are mostly psyched about the heater and electricity. Today we warmed up on the Sunshine Slabs in the beautiful warm sunshine. After that we headed to Soulslinger where Layla reached her goal of getting the pinch move and I fell going to the high pinch after the tiny shitty crimp...progress for both of us. Then we worked out the moves to Bubba Gump until our tips were raw. We ended our day humbled by Pope's Prow which none of us could even do two moves on. Tomorrow the Sad and Happy Boulders!


sock hands said...

YES !!!!

Lynn said...

It's not snowing out there yet, is it? We'll be there in just 2 weeks! Woo Hoo! Check out the camper we're building on my blog! No motel for us! I'm poopin' in a hole!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly!

Nice pics, I hope you guys are having fun!!!

Anonymous said...

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