
Day 6

Day 2 turned into not so much of a rest day. We got into the park in the afternoon, and Vealchop (Brian's friend from the Black Hills) RAN up the mountain while i, struggled and wheezed to meet up with him at a boulder named "nobody here gets out alive". NHGOA for short. It is an amazing V2 that starts under a roof and you hold onto these smoothe, huge holes in the rock. It is a lot of fun. Then we hiked (i wheezed) up to this really neat roof called Daily Dick Dose, V7. I took my inhaler, checked out the holds, put my shoes on, drilled Brian for beta, started climbing and didn't stop until I got to the end. It was an unintentional flash on a soft 7 with Brian giving me beta the whole time. It was a good start to the trip. Vealchop did it as well, however he chose a much more burly way.
Some rock stars came trotting up the hill to work on Babyface and i immediately became intimidated. However Jim took me over there to steal beta and I started my work on it. It is going to take me awhile to do because it is not my style, and it is actually a V7. Very tall, and beautiful looking, i hate it right now because it has two crimps on it. I hate crimping.
Getting up to speed, the day before yesterday we warmed up forever, then went over the this beautiful problem called Power of Silence, V10. Jim did it on his first try, Brian has it wired along with Vealchop. This guy from Santa Fe adopted us for the day and climbed with us. His named is Cloud and by the end of the day he was Klauss. Vealchop liked Klauss better. We walked around a lot more and tried more stuff until the park closed.
Yesterday is why i am limping around today, and sore in placed that have never been sore before. We hiked up the mountain which i will tell you went much better than the first day. The wheezing and burning was there but not nearly as bad. My body will adjust. We warmed up and then Vealchop and i went exploring for this problem called Stegasaur, V8. We found it in this really low deep cave with smooth rock on the bottom. It is this really neat upside down fin that widens out and opens up to a short slab. It is REALLY hard, if you start with your feet facing into the cave. My entire left leg is in pain today from heal hooking. Hopefully I will do it on Friday.
Last night was the best night here so far. There were 6 of us Minnesotans all comfortably crammed into Jim's Volkswagon Westfalia vanagon, drinking wine by candle light, and listening to MC Boondoggle, and Halloween Alaska. The wine made us all relax after three days of destroying our bodies and soon we were laughing at climbing stories of the Chief in Squamish, and making fun of eachother like usual.
Last night as a mantled out of the van, V12, and crept into the darkness i did not fall prey to a cactus and i may have mastered desert peeing(i am still glad i wear gortex shoes).
So today we are sitting at the coffee shop drinking my usual decaf. (i like the taste), stuffing ourselves with egg and cheese english muffins and waiting for more fellow Minnesotans to arrive at the airport. Brian and I are really happy and are grateful to be doing what we love.
Heal sore muscles Heal!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are enjoying yourself. Some of your language is a little confusing to me, but I think I get the jist of it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly, enjoyed reading your blog today. You could write for a climbing magazine and get them to sponsor your trips. Seriously, you're an excellent writer! Love ya! Jacki