would ya eat it?
I know I would. Heck! I'd have seconds.
Last night there was a solstice lunar eclipse for the first time since 1638, according to the NASA website, and the next one will be in 2094. Jeff and I stepped outside to watch the first bit of it without the camera and it looked just like this stolen photo that I found on flickr.
The rest of these are taken by Jeff while I laid on the ground in my snow pants lost in a magical world of solstice and lunar eclipse.
there it is zooming across the night sky in all of its red earth shadowy glory
this is a photo i took last spring... i thought maybe it was appropriate because the days are only getting longer now

Kona has taken to sleeping with her face smashed in the pillow (get ready Eric and Abbie!)
Cubs Win! Cubs Win!
We don't have any pillows because Daisy would have and Sadie now would destroy them, but if you want to bring a pillow for Kona to smash her face into, I will keep it safe :)
haha! i will keep this in mind when i pack tomorrow!
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