

oh i should have taken a picture of myself this morning. I had my ginourmous sunglasses on, a bright yellow bike helmet, a little blue tank top, a really old classic pair of Reebok spandex, my mom's (dating back to when she was my age) red, white, and blue biking gloves, my camel back with a green Phish patch on it, and my 5.10 approach shoes with extra sticky rubber (mostly they are small enough to fit into the pedals. I wore all of this as I rode my dad's old Trek with brand new bright yellow handle bar tape around the foothills in Fort Collins to get a nice little work out before my nine days of rest. It was a really good ride and I got to see all of the wonderful little disgusting brand new neighborhoods around the area.

I got home and created myself a Kelly classic. A cheesy white sauce with garlic to pour over my delicious wheat spiral pasta. mmmmm.

Tonight I fly home to my native midwest. I am scared to go through security with the liquid in my epipens. And now they are really only encouraging me to buy a Jack and coke since I can't even bring water.

Brian and I think that he is dying. He works in the heat all day and then feels pretty much dead. Poor little schmoopy. He still sent Sunspot, V11, last weekend.

Time to pack, and buy my school books. I wonder what the grand total will be this year? I hope it doesn't beat my fall total of $700....for books! oh that made me mad.
word to your mother

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